It never ceases to amaze me how trying to rectify one “mistake” can open the door to new possibilities. Sometimes I will try creating a fuseable piece in expectation that it will create a certain result. After baking in the kiln for 10=14 hours, when I come back the next day to enjoy the fruits of the labor, sometimes the fruits, that begin from a mindset, can end up a bit spoiled.
After years of working in fused glass, I’m realizing that nothing has to be considered the “end result”. Remelting a piece, putting paint over areas that need to have a colorful lift, creating a bend for movement, adding pieces in the cold working process to embellish the overall look – these all help to wake me to realize that the creative process continues in many forms. The heat of the kiln, in the firing , (of which I do not have total control), at 4 AM, in my “creative sleep” state, and even…during the conscious waking part of the day!
Learning to see what is, and training myself not to be stuck in thinking what should have been, ultimately allows for freedom in the creative process. What can be, is an infinite movement of creation, of which I am very happy to be a part.